Its been about 5 months since I baked pizzas in the Expert Grill 15″ Pizza Oven. I was worried that I forgot how to use it =). It took me an hour to just setup a station for the pizza oven. I don’t have my usual setup at this house were are staying at now.

I got 2 Pizza Buddy dough balls from Walmart on our way home. I split one pizza dough ball into 2 smaller ones that fit perfect into the Expert Grill 15″ pizza oven.

The first pizza out the oven was the classic cheese pizza.

The second pizza was with Mushrooms & Peppers with mozzarella cheese with shredded parmesan cheese.

The third pizza to come out the Expert Grill 15″ Pizza oven was the white pie with Ricotta, Mozzarella and shredded parmesan cheese.

The final pizza to be baked in the Expert Grill 15″ Pizza was my girlfriends choice. A mix of everything left over with some tomatoes, mozzarella and shredded parmesan cheese.

This $97 Expert Grill 15″ pizza oven has been one of the best purchases I made and something that I have been using now for almost 2 years. Worth every penny.

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