October is the month where we fall in love with autumn leaves but another reason why we should love it is because it’s National Pizza Month! The whole month of October, in America, we celebrate the incredible, delicious, and perfect thing called pizza! While some of us believe that every day is a good day for pizza, others might enjoy it more in October. If you’re not one for pizza, well maybe in October you will give it another try, or two or three. Pizza goes well with a variety of beer, and wine, for those excited for Octoberfest.

How did October become the month for pizza? It all started in a little town called Santa Claus, Indiana. A pizzeria owner was looking for a magazine that would help him become more successful. When he found nothing out there that was helpful, he decided to make his own. In October of 1984, Gerry Durnell released his first Pizza Today issue and the rest was history. Well, he proposed that October be the national pizza month because of this reason, and someone else probably said; Sure! Then, the rest was history.

Celebrating National Pizza Month

How do you celebrate pizza month? October should be a month to celebrate pizza and try as many different slices and pies your heart and stomach desire. This is the month you should go wild and step outside of your comfort zone. Maybe try a pepperoni slice, a veggie slice, heck try a white slice or a tomato slice, maybe even a chicken and broccoli slice. Is the broccoli too much? This is the month where pizzeria shops might also have a special on their pies or slices and give free pizza. Some pizza restaurants might do a charity event, a giveaway, or a theme party, so be on the lookout for those as well. Heck, ask your local pizza spots what they will be doing or inspire them to do a pizza giveaway once a week for the month!

What will you be doing for National Pizza Month? Are you going to try new pizza or make some new pies? We will be whipping up new pizzas at home and trying a few different pizza shops. With so many pizzerias, the choices are endless and we will definitely need more than a month.

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